Description: 1.25 inch diameter Raven with 1.25 inch long dangling black Raven feather. Made of hand cut hardened acrylic. Surgical steel ear wires. Very light weight.
Inspiration: The artist Paula Bidwell is Native American and married to an Irishman from Dublin, Ireland. In their many years together they discovered their cultures and traditions are very similar. Paula feels it is important to be able to create jewelry which is significant in it’s meaning whether Irish or Native American and to bring to the future the ancient customs and cultures of both of their people.
Symbolism: Raven is very important in Irish, Celtic and Gaelic cultures and spiritual practices. In general, Raven is known as an oracle, protector, and guide in both this world and the next. The two circular whirlwinds on Raven’s body and wing make Raven an even more powerful protector. One whirlwind spins counterclockwise which causes confusion to negative influences. The other spins clockwise and sweeps away all unwanted negative influences. The Raven feather dangling below is a gift from Raven representing this world and the next and reminding us to fear nothing in either world.
Artist: Paula Bidwell of Native Talisman Art is an American Indian artist, jeweler and author. She is also considered an Indigenous Healer and spent many years on the reservation learning traditional healing and ceremony. She combines being an artist and indigenous healer into her art. Paula believes strongly that we are all related and there is very little separation between us. Her art resonates with all cultures and peoples.
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