Saturday, October 17, 2009

Blue Tipi Tepee Native American symbols

Blue Native American Bead Design Earrings with Six Dangle Eagle Feathers

Description: The bead design rectangle is .75 inches wide by 1 inch long. The six dangle eagle feathers are .25 inches wide by 1 inch long. The entire earring with eagle feathers measures .75 inches wide by 2.5 inches long. Made of hardened acrylic and hand cut. The ear wires are surgical steel. These earrings are extremely light weight and can be worn even through the night.


The beadwork pattern on these earrings represents the home, the family or the clan. There are four tipis (teepees) facing above and below. This represents the past, present and future. It also states that we carry the memories of our ancestors and we are protected and guide by them.

The Eagle Feather will take our prayers, wishes and desires directly to the Creator. The feather is considered a great gift from the Eagle who listens intently to our words and even our silent thoughts. The Eagle also closely watches all of our actions.


I’m 57 years old and when I began beading many of the old ways were still in effect. I wasn’t allowed to just jump in and start beading. I had to hear the stories about beads and their history. How our patterns and designs came into being and how they changed throughout time. How to earn the rights to various designs and how to dream new ones. Throughout this education some of my favorite patterns were the tipis because they represented family life. I believe these patterns are important to everyone so I created this set of jewelry. I hope you wear the pieces in good health and well-being. Mitakuye Oyasin (We are all related)

Artist: Paula Bidwell of Native Talisman Art is an American Indian artist, jeweler and author. She is also considered an Indigenous Healer and spent many years on the reservation learning traditional healing and ceremony. She combines being an artist and indigenous healer into her art. Paula believes strongly that we are all related and there is very little separation between us. Her art resonates with all cultures and peoples.

Available for $17.95 plus $3.00 shipping

Native Talisman Art

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